My doctor told me I was plugged, my arteries lined with plaque

I need to change my ways today or have a heart attack,

Eat more fish and drink more wine and do more exercise,

For then you will extend your life, and tell more truths than lies.

The doctor ordered me some drugs to take each day for sure.

There is no guarantee of cure, except to make you poor.

For everywhere both far and near, the rich and poor will die

Of heart attack and stroke and in their graves they’ll lie.

Yippee yiyay, yippee yiyoo, learn Linus Pauling’s protocol.

Along came Linus Pauling with his saving protocol.

He said to drink more orange juice, with a little alcohol.

The truth that you must know to keep your arteries clear

Is not as simple as his words, you must not harbor fear.

The cure to keep you healthy, is more than vitamin C,

Amino acids, niacin, and antioxidant teas.

Along with fearsome exercise and cleansing of your gut

Your mind must be free of prejudice, your thoughts not from your butt.

Yippee yiyay, yippee yiyoo, learn Linus Pauling’s protocol.

It’s been 2 years since my doctor said my heart is lined with fat.

With Linus Pauling’s protocol, each day I firmly sat.

My cardio said I should know my calcium score, so he scanned my heart

If it's under 10 he won’t see me no more.

The pain is gone, my chest is clear, my pressure’s nice and low (99/66).

When I climb a hill I chug along and my legs just seem to flow.

My doctor checked my score and dropped his jaw in awe.

A zero faced him squarely, that’s exactly what he saw.

Yippee yiyay, yippee yiyoo, learn Linus Pauling’s protocol.

The Healthy Heart Song
(Sung to the tune of Ghost Riders In the Sky)


Fred Hoy